Webster Technique in Ashburn

At Safe Haven, we see lots of moms and babies. We are certified by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics and Webster Technique certified to care for moms throughout pregnancy and postpartum.

The Webster Technique is gentle and promotes comfort during pregnancy, helps manage any low back pain or pelvic/pubic symphysis pain, SPD, and helps keep you and your belly relaxed, so optimal baby positioning is promoted. Providing optimal comfort for you and your baby, Chiropractic care in pregnancy is a safe and gentle way to promote comfort and minimize back pain during your pregnancy. This also supports the natural birthing process. We consider chiropractic care a natural part of your prenatal routine – there is no time in a woman’s life that a chiropractic check-up is more important.

Webster’s Chiropractic Pregnancy Technique:

Chiropractic care in pregnancy creates balance, ensuring that the mother’s spine and nervous system can work at their optimal capacity – critical with the changes taking place in her body and providing the best possible environment for the developing baby. There are 5 pairs of ligaments  and 1 enveloping  ligaments essential during pregnancy. 

When the spine and pelvis are not balanced, the pelvic muscles and ligaments supporting the uterus can be constrained, intrauterine constraint, reducing the room available in the womb and causing discomfort to both mother and child. Relief of these constraints will also offer the best possible chance for the baby to be in the right position for birth. We recognize that everybody has different and specific needs, and every pregnancy is different. We will combine Spinning Babies, Craniosacral Therapy and BIRTHFIT to achieve best possible results.

To schedule a prenatal chiropractic appointment, give us a call 571-549-6555 or book it online.

Office Hours




9:00 – 1:00

3:00 – 6:00


9:00 – 1:00

3:00 – 6:00


9:00 – 1:00

3:00 – 6:00


9:00 – 1:00

3:00 – 6:00


Some Friday Appointments