Similar to laying down a foundation for a house, the nervous system works in stages. The most important steps are being able to eat and sleep well, and pooping with ease. This may sound simple, but here’s why they make all the difference:
Having head and neck control supports the rooting reflex, and activates the muscles in the neck to allow the baby to be in a comfortable position to nurse or take a bottle. The mouth, lips and tongue then work together to get their bellies full and bodies calm. Chiropractic care promotes full spinal range of motion and improves feeding mechanisms. Our goal is to address neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction. An infant’s successful feeding depends on adequate neural pathways.The suckling reflex is normally present at birth, along with the power to swallow and suckle. There are 4 cranial nerves that are responsible for these functions: The glossopharyngeal nerve (9) controls the muscles of the pharynx, the vagus nerve (10) controls the palate, and the hypoglossal nerve (12) governs the tongue. The accessory nerve (11) controls neck and shoulder muscles. A reduction in function of these 4 cranial nerves can cause suckling problems with limited motion of the neck and shoulder region. As these cranial nerves exit the occiput close together, an abnormal movement of the neck and muscular tension, especially the alignment of the occiput, can lessen proper tongue movement and function.
A calm and relaxed tone supports a baby’s ability to easily calm down and sleep. If a newborn is stiff, arching, and feels tight – this can be a sign they are “skipping a foundational step” (most commonly due to a stressful delivery).
Regular bowel movements are a sign the baby is relaxed and at ease, and the autonomic nervous system is working together and on autopilot. This gives us the confidence the body can adapt to MORE later on! Lack of digestive motility could mean sustained sympathetic stress, and the body’s limitations to assimilate and excrete toxins. As mentioned before, birth trauma and/or head preference to feed can affect the vagus nerve. This nerve is the most important nerve in the body, regulating the top 2/3 of not just digestive motility.
They are controlled by the nervous system which controls all development after this. If this isn’t happening, the nervous system is stressed and stuck on the gas, not feeling safe enough to calm and relax.
As a neurologically focused Pediatric Chiropractor in Loudoun County, our office can trace this stress all the way back to pregnancy and birth. With the amount of interventions, force, and tension being put on mom and baby, some birth processes can be stressful! This can create a disconnection between the brain and body. Therefore, the nervous system stays in the fight or flight mode, and is not able to rest and digest. This creates struggles in the body early on, making it almost impossible to execute basic functions such as eating, sleeping, and pooping.
Our office assesses these functions for every baby. Once the brain is able to communicate better with the rest of the body, basic functions will be restored and regulated, which will set the child up for optimal development moving forward.
Call us 571-549-6555 or book an appointment online
9:00 – 1:00
3:00 – 6:00
9:00 – 1:00
3:00 – 6:00
9:00 – 1:00
3:00 – 6:00
9:00 – 1:00
3:00 – 6:00
Some Friday Appointments
44110 Ashburn Shopping Plaza, Suite 216, Ashburn, VA 20147.
Phone: (571) 549-6555
Fax: (571) 549-1776