It’s honestly been a long time since I can remember a child presenting to our clinic with just one singular health challenge or condition.
It comes down to this one thing called a subluxation.
The colicky infant most commonly has difficulty nursing, digestive issues, and sleep challenges. Soon that infant then starts to suffer from chronic ear infections, constipation, and seasonal allergies
already as a young child.
Even then it doesn’t stop. It continues on to the child struggling with a sensory processing disorder, speech delays, gut issues, sleep disturbances, and chronic immune challenges.
And finally, our poor teenagers. Anxiety, ADHD, OCD, depression, and emotional dysregulation run rampant in teens and young adults today.
The numbers were unacceptable before everything happened with Covid, with rates of anxiety and depressive symptoms at 11.6% and 12.9% respectively. Now they are estimated to have doubled to 25.2% and 20.5% .
For 15 years we’ve referred to that cascade of stress and illness as The Perfect Storm . And the Perfect Storm
is the story of one primary thing – subluxation.
Breaking it down scientifically first, subluxation consists of main components:
- Misalignment
- Fixation & Tension
- Neurological Interference & Imbalance
While the first two components make up the anatomical elements of subluxation within the NeuroSpinal System, it’s the third component that causes all the trouble.
While subluxation can happen with any joint in the body, from the shoulders to the pinky toe… it’s subluxation of the spine and central nervous system that is really what’s behind so much dysfunction and chronic illness in kids today.
Put simply – stress and toxicity. Or more accurately, distress.
While stress is actually a normal, healthy part of life, helping us to gain resiliency, strength, and adaptability from infancy on… what the Perfect Storm teaches us is that simply put, we have far too much stress and toxicity in our current environments.
Research has now clearly shown that our pregnant mothers face more stress and anxiety than ever before. Our labor and delivery system
has turned into medical intervention, shoving health and natural birth to the side. Each use of an antibiotic in a child under the age of three greatly increases their risk of chronic illness later on in life.
Chiropractic teaches it as the Three T’s — Traumas, Toxins, and Thoughts.
And today we can put a fourth one in there — Technology (text neck) .
We’re all going to face these 4Ts in life, but when our kids face so many of them so early it allows subluxation to set in. That subluxation creates significant, chronic imbalance and dysfunction within the nervous system . Which then in turn causes malfunctions in all other major systems — gut, immune, respiratory, mental, emotional, social, and so on.
Because subluxation negatively affects the central nervous system, which is responsible for every single bit of our physiology and function, subluxation can show up in a myriad of signs and symptoms.
But for kids, these are by far the most common:
- Colic
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Chronic Ear Infections and Immune Challenges
- Constipation and Gut Issues
- Frequent Meltdowns and Tantrums
- Focus & Concentration Challenges
- Hyperactivity and Impulsivity
- Emotional Regulation Challenges
- Chronic Pain & Tension
- Fatigue and Exhaustion
- Functional Movement Disorders
By far the most important tool that our Pediatric Experience trained chiropractors are trained to use is what’s called the INSiGHT Subluxation Scanning Technology. In just a 10-15 minute exam, these scans can find, measure, and locate dysautonomia and other elements of subluxation!
Doing so allows PX Docs to then create an exact, personalized, and customized adjusting care plan for that child and patient. The INSiGHT scans take all the guesswork out of it and bring the chiropractic exam and detection of subluxation into the modern era.
Other modes of finding subluxation include postural, physical, and other neurological exam components. But for the PX Doc, it all starts with our technology pictured below.

Now fixing it is simple, yet powerful and complex at the same time. A trained pediatric and neurologically-focused chiropractor is one who uses what’s called an adjusting system that is safe, gentle, and wildly effective at restoring function and balance to the nervous system.
The coolest thing about this kind of chiropractic is that a regular adjusting visit lasts just a few minutes, easily fitting in a family’s busy schedule, and also being fun and enjoyable for the child! When full families come in to get adjusted, the kids fight and compete for who can jump on the table first they love it so much.
That is by far the top question I’m asked again and again by parents after we explain to them what subluxation is, and how it’s easily and scientifically linked to nearly all of their children’s health challenges.
Parents today are exhausted and frustrated by the fact that their regular pediatrician and a whole list of medical specialists still can’t find what’s causing their child’s chronic health challenges.
When that’s the case, it’s almost always a story of subluxation.
It’s not that medical doctors are not doing all they can, they just simply don’t have the training and understanding of subluxation and neurology in the same way Pediatric Chiropractors do. So if you don’t even know where to look , you’re not going to find the answers that kids today need to heal.
The answers to restoring health to chronically sick kids, and even better, keeping healthy kids exactly that way… will not be found on traditional height, weight, and growth charts in the pediatrician’s office.
Article written by: PXDOCS
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